Friday, May 2, 2008


Just a short entry today.

Had a great run last night went 3.75 miles, and finally had a sub – 10 minute mile average for the duration of the run. Did the whole run in 36:07 for an average of 9:38 per mile. I was very excited; I am getting a little stronger and faster each time out. I am also getting to the point were I am not sore at all on the day after the run, so everything right now is very positive. My training for the big race is going well. I do wish however that it would stop raining so I could get some miles in on the trail. Tonight is going to be my day off from exercise. So it will be nice to rest a bit.

Also my watercolor class was fun last night. I finished my first painting. It didn’t turn out very good because we ran out of time the first night and I wasn’t done with a part of it so it doesn’t look very good, but it was fun to do anyway. I started my second painting which I am hoping will be better.

Tonight I am going to the Twins game with my buddy Travis, we worked together at NACR. I am looking forward to hanging out with him tonight; we always have a lot of laughs.

More later.

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