Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cold and crappy

So another weekend has gone by. It was a good weekend. We didn't do much, pretty much took it easy. Saturday was one of the worse weather days I can remember in April, it was snowing, windy and really dang cold out. In fact I really had no desire to even be outside. I did however manage to get a 2.5 mile run in. I was glad that I got out but it was really nasty out. Sunday the weather was a bit better, it was still cold but at least the sun was out. Ugh, I am really tired of this cold spring we are having, but it does sound like it is going to be a little warmer out this week. So that is good.

Last night Melissa and I did a very cold road ride from a parking lot in St. Paul along a nice trail along the river to downtown St. Paul. The ride ended up being 13 miles round trip which was a good ride considering it was pretty cold outside. It felt good to get out though so I was glad that we did.

Tonight I am going to attempt to do my longest run to date, of about 7.5 miles. I am going right after work and I am hoping for the best, I need to start ramping up miles so I can get through my stupid 25k in July...

If I am still alive more tomorrow.

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