Sunday, April 7, 2013

Head West Young Man

Well, Melissa and I are doing it we are picking up stakes and heading west to envelope ourselves in the mountain life. We both accepted our jobs at the Aspen Valley Hospital. Melissa is going to start with 3x12 night shifts, but I will be working normal day hours. I am scared shitless and excited all at the same time. We are putting our house on the market in 2 weeks so we are in the process of packing things up for staging.

It is weird to think that in 5 weeks I will be at home in Colorado. I will be 2 miles from my favorite trout river in the whole wide world, the Frying Pan. It is weird to think that whenever I want to go fishing I can be there in just a few minutes. In the winter time we can ski at any of the 4 mountains in Aspen. The whole thing seems so surreal right now. I am stressed out getting ready for the house to go on the market. Without Melissa jamming on the packing I would be screwed but she is a rock and she is doing so much work that I feel a little guilty although I am doing a lot of behind the scenes stuff making calls and things like that.

When we get settled I plan on writing a huge post about the journey to Aspen, it is quite the story about how this all came about and the fate that brought us to this decision.

I will miss my close friends here at home and Minnesota will always be in my heart. My parents are buried here and I will miss them more when I am far away. I will miss my beloved Minnesota Twins and the special times that Melissa and I have at the 20 games that we go to a year. I will miss my friends at work. It is going to be odd to be starting over at 42, with a new job, a new house, no friends, and a new town. I am hoping that I can make some friends to fish with out there quickly.

I look forward to this adventure ahead of me and can't wait to see what the next few months have in store for us...

Stay Tuned!


Mike said...

Regarding finding new friends to fish with.

Consider that people who are already there, are long time fly fishermen and will be glad to know the person they just met from MN is stoked about fly fishing in the Fry Pan.

Mike said...

Regarding finding new friends to fish with.

Consider that people who are already there, are long time fly fishermen and will be glad to know the person they just met from MN is stoked about fly fishing in the Fry Pan.