Monday, March 9, 2009


Unfortunately it is very possible that the ski season at Lutsen might be over. Melissa and I were up there this weekend and the skiing was pretty bad. Or lets just say got worse and worse as the day went on. Saturday was the better of the 2 days. We skied our favorite runs on Eagle and then spent most of the day over on Moose. It was pretty good over there, with the south facing slopes and a warm winter sun there was some good corn snow to ski in. So Melissa and I spent the day looking around Moose for good snow and did find some. I took a bad fall on Saturday, I am not even really sure what happened but one minute I was cruising a long and the next minute my right leg flew out from under me and down I went. I pulled my calf muscle pretty bad, it is still sore today. I could hardly walk Saturday, but didn't have that much trouble skiing so my fall didn't completely ruin my weekend. We had a nice dinner at Papa Charlie's that night and then went back to our room and sat in our hot tub. All in all not a bad day...

Sunday we awoke to cloudy skies and what looked like snow clouds moving in. So I thought maybe we would get lucky and have some nice fresh snow to play on. No such luck. We went out and discovered nothing but ice with a very thin layer of crystallized crap on the top and it was a very thin layer at that. We did however manage to find good snow and very little ice on Split Rock, Upper Chris's Couloir and Lower Cliff Run. So we spent a lot of time on those runs. We did make a trip to Moose to check out things over there and found conditions to be really bad, so we did about 4 runs sat in the chalet had a little lunch and then headed back to Eagle for a few more runs before calling it a day and heading home. I really want to go back up once more but if the conditions were like they were on Sunday there is no way I am going to bother. Hopefully Lutsen will get a least one more good snowfall and we can go up and finish on a good note.

I am always kind of bummed out at this time of year. As skiing here in Minnesota is quickly dying other places are still getting great snow and lots of it. So it is bitter sweet for me. I have to happy for my brothers and sisters out west choking on powder, but I don't have to like it.

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