Friday, June 1, 2007

New Life

So my last day at this job is Wednesday June 9th and then I am moving on to bigger and better things. I am very much looking forward to the change. It will be good. Better pay, a better future, and just better chance of everything being better. So there will be more on that soon.

In other news; sailing season has started and so far since the weather hasn't been the greatest we have only been able to get out and race once. And even though we came in last we had a great time and it is fun getting out on the water again. I owned a small sailboat a number of years ago and it is fun to be out sailing again. My friend Steve owns the Flying Scot and is an excellent helmsman so it is good. I am learning the subtle art of crewing very quickly so it has been a lot of fun.

I have been doing a ton of biking as well. I can finally do almost all of the trails around here without dying, having a heart attack, or puking so that is something. Biking is a lot of fun when you can actually do it.
This weekend Melissa is working so it might be another long weekend on the couch.
More later.

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